Friday, March 13, 2015

Behind the Scenes: Isaac Goss

Who is that man behind the curtain? Or, more accurately, up in the projection booth. OHA Projectionist Isaac Goss keeps our movies running smoothly each week. Here’s your chance to get to know him a little better!
1. Where did you grow up?
In Bolton Valley, Vermont.
2. How would your elementary school classmates remember you?
I would like to think fondly. Constantly reading or sketching or writing. One of the three or all of the above.
3. Name four fictional characters with whom you’d be okay being stuck in an elevator. Why them?
Captain William Lawrence (from Temeraire series by Naomi Novik)
Commander Sam Vimes (from Discworld, by Terri Pratchett)
Doctor Gordon Freeman (from Half-Life)
Chell (from Portal)
The first two would be interesting to talk to. The other two know how to keep quiet.
4. If you were a cartoon character, what cartoon character would you be?
Marvin the Martian
5. What drew you to working at the Opera House?
I knew the people who worked here and it seemed like it would be the place for me.
Isaac will once again be valiantly manning the projector at this weekend’s showing of Fifty Shades of Grey. Come, check out the movie that everyone’s talking about and admire his fine work! 
Want to know more about the inner workings for the Opera Hose? Read our other Behind the Scenes interviews!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday

arts camp 5Local children explore the world from a new viewpoint at the 2003 Arts Camp. 
Interested in this year’s upcoming Arts Camp? Click here for more information. Registration begins next month!