Sunday, June 7, 2009

First read-through brunch in the sweet soft air of Queens

Rebecca and Stephanie, Hermia and Helena, were wicked fierce today; no mild little ingenues these two spitters as they confronted each other over supposed betrayals in the fairy forest. It was an overall fierceness in the cast that most struck me in this first read-through. Puck fierce and chilly and absolutely clear in his detached manipulations; Theseus, with Hippolyta by the hair, so to speak, declaring Hermia's fate if she opposed her father's choice of husband; Titania almost guttural in her passion for Bottom; Bottom so fully full of himself. Lysander just clear (lovely rendering of the language) until his head is muddied by Puck's flower--and then venomous in his rejection of Hermia. I have been reading the play and watching film versions for weeks--never have I heard it so clearly. Already.

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